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Tigre Delta


Lists data fields that differ from the last major version (see versions above). Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different.

Section Page Header Code Locale Old New Level
Core Data Alphabetic Information Characters in Use Main Letters tig [] [ሀ-ቈቊ-ቍቐ-ቖቘቚ-ቝበ-ኈኊ-ኍነ-ኰኲ-ኵኸ-ኾዀዂ-ዅወ-ዖዘ-ጐጒ-ጕጘ-ፚ፟-፨፲-፼ᎀ-᎙ⶀ-ⶖⶠ-ⶦⶨ-ⶮⶰ-ⶶⶸ-ⶾⷀ-ⷆⷈ-ⷎⷐ-ⷖⷘ-ⷞ] core
Others: index [ሀለመረሰሸቈቐቘቨቸኀኈነኘከኰዀወዐዠደዸጀጐጘጨጸፈፐፘᎀᎁᎃ-ᎅᎇ-ᎉᎋᎍ-ᎏⶀ-ⶂⶄ-ⶆⶉ-ⶌⶎ-ⶑⶓⶕⶖⶠⶢ-ⶤⶦⶨⶩⶫⶬⶮⶰⶱⶳⶴⶶⶸⶹⶻⶼⶾⷀⷁⷃⷄⷆⷈⷉⷋⷌⷎⷐⷑⷓⷔⷖⷘⷙⷛ-ⷝ] moderate
Numbering Systems Numbering System traditional ▷missing◁ ethi
Locale Display Names Languages (A-D) A Abkhazian ► ab ab አብሐዚኛ modern
Afar ► aa ▷missing◁ አፋርኛ comprehensive
Afrikaans ► af af አፍሪቃንስኛ modern
Albanian ► sq sq ልቤኒኛ
Amharic ► am am አምሐረኛ
Arabic ► ar ar ዐርቢኛ moderate
Armenian ► hy hy አርመናዊ modern
Assamese ► as as አሳሜዛዊ
Aymara ► ay ay አያማርኛ
Azerbaijani ► az az አዜርባይጃንኛ
B Bangla ► bn bn በንጋሊኛ moderate
Bashkir ► ba ba ባስኪርኛ modern
Basque ► eu eu ባስክኛ
Belarusian ► be be ቤላራሻኛ
Bislama ► bi bi ቢስላምኛ
Blin ► byn byn ብሊን
Breton ► br br ብሬቶንኛ
Bulgarian ► bg bg ቡልጋሪኛ
Burmese ► my my ቡርማኛ
C Catalan ► ca ca ካታላንኛ
Chinese ► zh zh ቻይንኛ moderate
Corsican ► co co ኮርሲካኛ modern
Croatian ► hr hr ክሮሽያንኛ
Czech ► cs cs ቼክኛ
D Danish ► da da ዴኒሽ
Dutch ► nl nl ደች moderate
Dzongkha ► dz dz ድዞንግኻኛ modern
Languages (E-J) E English ► en en እንግሊዝኛ basic
Esperanto ► eo eo ኤስፐራንቶ modern
Estonian ► et et ኤስቶኒአን
F Faroese ► fo fo ፋሮኛ
Fijian ► fj fj ፊጂኛ
Finnish ► fi fi ፊኒሽ
French ► fr fr ፈረንሳይኛ moderate
G Galician ► gl gl ጋለጋኛ modern
Geez ► gez gez ግዕዝኛ
Georgian ► ka ka ጊዮርጊያን
German ► de de ጀርመን moderate
Greek ► el el ግሪክኛ modern
Guarani ► gn gn ጓራኒኛ
Gujarati ► gu gu ጉጃርቲኛ
H Hausa ► ha ha ሃውሳኛ
Hebrew ► he he ዕብራስጥ
Hindi ► hi hi ሐንድኛ
Hungarian ► hu hu ሀንጋሪኛ
I Icelandic ► is is አይስላንድኛ
Indonesian ► id id እንዶኒሲኛ moderate
Interlingua ► ia ia ኢንቴርሊንጓ modern
Interlingue ► ie ▷missing◁ እንተርሊንግወ comprehensive
Inuktitut ► iu iu እኑክቲቱትኛ modern
Inupiaq ► ik ▷missing◁ እኑፒያቅኛ comprehensive
Irish ► ga ga አይሪሽ modern
Italian ► it it ጣሊያንኛ moderate
J Japanese ► ja ja ጃፓንኛ
Javanese ► jv jv ጃቫንኛ modern
Languages (K-N) K Kalaallisut ► kl kl ካላሊሱትኛ
Kannada ► kn kn ካናዳኛ
Kashmiri ► ks ks ካሽሚርኛ
Kazakh ► kk kk ካዛክኛ
Khmer ► km km ክመርኛ
Kinyarwanda ► rw rw ኪንያርዋንድኛ
Korean ► ko ko ኮሪያኛ moderate
Kurdish ► ku ku ኩርድሽኛ modern
Kyrgyz ► ky ky ኪርጊዝኛ
L Lao ► lo lo ላውስኛ
Latin ► la la ላቲንኛ
Latvian ► lv lv ላትቪያን
Lingala ► ln ln ሊንጋላኛ
Lithuanian ► lt lt ሊቱአኒያን
M Macedonian ► mk mk ማከዶኒኛ
Malagasy ► mg mg ማላጋስኛ
Malay ► ms ms ማላይኛ
Malayalam ► ml ml ማላያላምኛ
Maltese ► mt mt ማልቲስኛ
Māori ► mi mi ማዮሪኛ
Marathi ► mr mr ማራዚኛ
Mongolian ► mn mn ሞንጎላዊኛ
N Nauru ► na na ናኡሩ
Nepali ► ne ne ኔፓሊኛ
Norwegian ► no no ኖርዌጂያን
Languages (O-S) O Occitan ► oc oc ኦኪታንኛ
Odia ► or or ኦሪያኛ
Oromo ► om om ኦሮምኛ
P Pashto ► ps ps ፑሽቶኛ
Persian ► fa fa ፐርሲያኛ
Polish ► pl pl ፖሊሽ moderate
Portuguese ► pt pt ፖርቱጋሊኛ
Punjabi ► pa pa ፓንጃቢኛ modern
Q Quechua ► qu qu ኵቿኛ
R Romanian ► ro ro ሮማኒያን
Romanian ► ro_MD ro (MD) ሞልዳቫዊና comprehensive
Romansh ► rm rm ሮማንስ modern
Rundi ► rn rn ሩንዲኛ
Russian ► ru ru ራሽኛ moderate
S Samoan ► sm sm ሳሞአኛ modern
Sango ► sg sg ሳንጎኛ
Sanskrit ► sa sa ሳንስክሪትኛ
Scottish Gaelic ► gd gd እስኮትስ ጌልክኛ
Serbian ► sr sr ሰርቢኛ
Shona ► sn sn ሾናኛ
Sidamo ► sid ▷missing◁ ሲዳምኛ comprehensive
Sindhi ► sd sd ሲንድሂኛ modern
Sinhala ► si si ስንሃልኛ
Slovak ► sk sk ስሎቫክኛ
Slovenian ► sl sl ስሎቪኛ
Somali ► so so ሱማልኛ
Southern Sotho ► st st ሶዞኛ
Spanish ► es es ስፓኒሽ moderate
Sundanese ► su su ሱዳንኛ modern
Swahili ► sw sw ስዋሂሊኛ
Swati ► ss ss ስዋቲኛ
Swedish ► sv sv ስዊድንኛ
Languages (T-Z) T Tagalog ► tl ▷missing◁ ታጋሎገኛ comprehensive
Tajik ► tg tg ታጂኪኛ modern
Tamil ► ta ta ታሚልኛ
Tatar ► tt tt ታታርኛ
Telugu ► te te ተሉጉኛ
Thai ► th th ታይኛ moderate
Tibetan ► bo bo ትበትንኛ modern
Tigre ► tig tig ትግረ basic
Tigrinya ► ti ti ትግርኛ modern
Tongan ► to to ቶንጋ
Tsonga ► ts ts ጾንጋኛ
Tswana ► tn tn ጽዋናዊኛ
Turkish ► tr tr ቱርክኛ moderate
Turkmen ► tk tk ቱርክመንኛ modern
Twi ► tw ▷missing◁ ትዊኛ comprehensive
U Ukrainian ► uk uk ዩክረኒኛ modern
Urdu ► ur ur ኡርዱኛ
Uyghur ► ug ug ኡዊግሁርኛ
Uzbek ► uz uz ኡዝበክኛ
V Vietnamese ► vi vi ቪትናምኛ
Volapük ► vo vo ቮላፑክኛ comprehensive
W Welsh ► cy cy ወልሽ modern
Western Frisian ► fy fy ፍሪስኛ
Wolof ► wo wo ዎሎፍኛ
X Xhosa ► xh xh ዞሳኛ
Y Yiddish ► yi yi ይዲሻዊኛ
Yoruba ► yo yo ዮሩባዊኛ
Z Zhuang ► za ▷missing◁ ዡዋንግኛ comprehensive
Zulu ► zu zu ዙሉኛ modern
Scripts Major Use Latn Latn ላቲን moderate
Territories (North America) Northern America BM BM ቤርሙዳ
US US አሜሪካ
Central America BZ BZ ቤሊዘ
MX MX ሜክሲኮ
Caribbean BB BB ባርቤዶስ
DM DM ዶሚኒካ
DO DO ዶሚኒክ ሪፑብሊክ
HT HT ሀይቲ
JM JM ጃማይካ
PR PR ፖርታ ሪኮ
TT TT ትሪኒዳድ እና ቶባጎ
VG VG የእንግሊዝ ድንግል ደሴቶች
VI VI የአሜሪካ ቨርጂን ደሴቶች
Territories (South America) South America AR AR አርጀንቲና
BO BO ቦሊቪያ
BR BR ብራዚል
CL CL ቺሊ
CO CO ኮሎምቢያ
EC EC ኢኳዶር
GF GF የፈረንሳይ ጉዊአና
GY GY ጉያና
PE PE ፔሩ
VE VE ቬንዙዌላ
Territories (Africa) Northern Africa DZ DZ አልጄሪያ
EG EG ግብጽ
EH EH ምዕራባዊ ሳህራ
LY LY ሊቢያ
MA MA ሞሮኮ
SD SD ሱዳን
TN TN ቱኒዚያ
Western Africa CV CV ኬፕ ቬርዴ
GM GM ጋምቢያ
GN GN ጊኒ
GW GW ቢሳዎ
MR MR ሞሪቴኒያ
NG NG ናይጄሪያ
SN SN ሴኔጋል
Middle Africa CD CD ኮንጎ
CF CF የመካከለኛው አፍሪካ ሪፐብሊክ
CM CM ካሜሩን
GQ GQ ኢኳቶሪያል ጊኒ
TD TD ቻድ
Eastern Africa ER ER ኤርትራ basic
ET ET ኢትዮጵያ moderate
KM KM ኮሞሮስ
MU MU ማሩሸስ
SO SO ሱማሌ
TF TF የፈረንሳይ ደቡባዊ ግዛቶች
TZ TZ ታንዛኒያ
UG UG ዩጋንዳ
ZM ZM ዛምቢያ
Southern Africa NA NA ናሚቢያ
ZA ZA ደቡብ አፍሪካ
Territories (Europe) Northern Europe DK DK ዴንማርክ
EE EE ኤስቶኒያ
FI FI ፊንላንድ
GB GB እንግሊዝ
IE IE አየርላንድ
IS IS አይስላንድ
LT LT ሊቱዌኒያ
LV LV ላትቪያ
NO NO ኖርዌ
SE SE ስዊድን
Western Europe AT AT ኦስትሪያ
BE BE ቤልጄም
CH CH ስዊዘርላንድ
DE DE ጀርመን
FR FR ፈረንሳይ
NL NL ኔዘርላንድ
Eastern Europe BG BG ቡልጌሪያ
BY BY ቤላሩስ
CZ CZ ቼክ ሪፑብሊክ
HU HU ሀንጋሪ
MD MD ሞልዶቫ
PL PL ፖላንድ
RO RO ሮሜኒያ
RU RU ራሺያ
SK SK ስሎቫኪያ
Southern Europe AD AD አንዶራ
AL AL አልባኒያ
BA BA ቦስኒያ እና ሄርዞጎቪኒያ
ES ES ስፔን
GR GR ግሪክ
HR HR ክሮኤሽያ
IT IT ጣሊያን
MK MK ማከዶኒያ
MT MT ማልታ
SI SI ስሎቬኒያ
Territories (Asia) Western Asia AE AE የተባበሩት አረብ ኤምሬትስ
AM AM አርሜኒያ
AZ AZ አዘርባጃን
BH BH ባህሬን
CY CY ሳይፕረስ
GE GE ጆርጂያ
IL IL እስራኤል
IQ IQ ኢራቅ
JO JO ጆርዳን
KW KW ክዌት
LB LB ሊባኖስ
SA SA ሳውድአረቢያ
SY SY ሲሪያ
TR TR ቱርክ
YE YE የመን
Central Asia TJ TJ ታጃኪስታን
UZ UZ ዩዝበኪስታን
Eastern Asia CN CN ቻይና
HK HK ሆንግ ኮንግ
JP JP ጃፓን
KP KP ሰሜን ኮሪያ
KR KR ደቡብ ኮሪያ
MN MN ሞንጎሊያ
MO MO ማካዎ
Southern Asia BT BT ቡህታን
IN IN ህንድ
NP NP ኔፓል
Southeast Asia ID ID ኢንዶኔዢያ
KH KH ካምቦዲያ
MY MY ማሌዢያ
SG SG ሲንጋፖር
TH TH ታይላንድ
TL TL ምስራቅ ቲሞር
Territories (Oceania) Australasia AU AU አውስትሬሊያ
NZ NZ ኒው ዚላንድ
Melanesia FJ FJ ፊጂ
NC NC ኒው ካሌዶኒያ
PG PG ፓፑዋ ኒው ጊኒ
Micronesian Region FM FM ሚክሮኔዢያ
Polynesia PF PF የፈረንሳይ ፖሊኔዢያ
Date & Time Gregorian Eras - abbreviated 0 BCE ዓ/ዓ
1 CE ዓ/ም
Months - wide - Formatting Jan M01 ጃንዩወሪ basic
Feb M02 ፌብሩወሪ
Mar M03 ማርች
Apr M04 ኤፕረል
May M05 ሜይ
Jun M06 ጁን
Jul M07 ጁላይ
Aug M08 ኦገስት
Sep M09 ሴፕቴምበር
Oct M10 ኦክተውበር
Nov M11 ኖቬምበር
Dec M12 ዲሴምበር
Months - abbreviated - Formatting Jan M01 ጃንዩ moderate
Feb M02 ፌብሩ
Mar M03 ማርች
Apr M04 ኤፕረ
May M05 ሜይ
Jun M06 ጁን
Jul M07 ጁላይ
Aug M08 ኦገስ
Sep M09 ሴፕቴ
Oct M10 ኦክተ
Nov M11 ኖቬም
Dec M12 ዲሴም
Months - narrow - Standalone Jan 1
Feb 2
Mar 3
Apr 4
May 5
Jun 6
Jul 7
Aug 8
Sep 9
Oct 10
Nov 11
Dec 12
Days - wide - Formatting sun Sun ሰንበት ዓባይ basic
mon Mon ሰኖ
tue Tue ታላሸኖ
wed Wed ኣረርባዓ
thu Thu ከሚሽ
fri Fri ጅምዓት
sat Sat ሰንበት ንኢሽ
Days - abbreviated - Formatting sun Sun ሰ/ዓ moderate
mon Mon ሰኖ
tue Tue ታላሸ
wed Wed ኣረር
thu Thu ከሚሽ
fri Fri ጅምዓ
sat Sat ሰ/ን
Days - narrow - Standalone sun S
mon M
tue T
wed W
thu T
fri F
sat S
Day Periods - wide - Formatting am AM ቀደም ሰርምዕል basic
pm PM ሓቆ ስርምዕል
Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting am AM ቀደም ሰርምዕል moderate
pm PM ሓቆ ስርምዕል
Formats - Standard - Date Formats full y MMMM d, EEEE EEEE፡ dd MMMM ዮም y G
long y MMMM d dd MMMM y
medium y MMM d dd-MMM-y
short y-MM-dd dd/MM/yy
Formats - Standard - Time Formats full HH:mm:ss zzzz h:mm:ss a zzzz
long HH:mm:ss z h:mm:ss a z
medium HH:mm:ss h:mm:ss a
short HH:mm h:mm a
Generic Formats - Standard - Date Formats full G y MMMM d, EEEE EEEE፡ dd MMMM ዮም y G
long G y MMMM d dd MMMM y G
medium G y MMM d dd-MMM-y G
short GGGGG y-MM-dd dd/MM/yy GGGGG
Numbers Number Formatting Patterns Standard Patterns standard-currency ¤ #,##0.00 ¤#,##0.00 basic
Standard Patterns using Ahom Digits (ahom) ▷missing◁ comprehensive
Standard Patterns using Bhaiksuki Digits (bhks) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Dives Akuru Digits (diak) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Kawi Digits (kawi) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Khudawadi Digits (sind) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Mathematical Bold Digits (mathbold) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Mathematical Double-Struck Digits (mathdbl) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Mathematical Monospace Digits (mathmono) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits (mathsanb) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits (mathsans) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Modi Digits (modi) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Mro Digits (mroo) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Myanmar Tai Laing Digits (mymrtlng) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Nag Mundari Digits (nagm) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Newa Digits (newa) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits (hmnp) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Pahawh Hmong Digits (hmng) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Segmented Digits (segment) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Sinhala Lith Digits (sinh) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Tangsa Digits (tnsa) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Tirhuta Digits (tirh) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Wancho Digits (wcho) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Warang Citi Digits (wara) standard-currency
Currencies North America (C) Northern America: United States USD-name USD የአሜሪካን ዶላር moderate
South America (C) South America: Brazil BRL-name BRL የብራዚል ሪል
Northern/Western Europe Northern Europe: United Kingdom GBP-name GBP የእንግሊዝ ፓውንድ ስተርሊንግ
Southern/Eastern Europe Eastern Europe: Russia RUB-name RUB የራሻ ሩብል
Eastern Africa Eastern Africa: Eritrea ERN-symbol ERN Nfk
Eastern Africa: Ethiopia ETB-name ETB የኢትዮጵያ ብር
Eastern Asia (C) Eastern Asia: China CNY-name CNY የቻይና ዩአን ረንሚንቢ
Eastern Asia: Japan JPY-name JPY የጃፓን የን
Southern Asia (C) Southern Asia: India INR-name INR የሕንድ ሩፒ
Unknown Region (C) Unknown Region: EUR EUR-name EUR አውሮ
Special Suppress Generic Formats - Standard - Date Formats-full GyMMMMEEEEd GyMMMMEEEEdd comprehensive
Formats - Standard - Date Formats-long GyMMMMd GyMMMMdd
Formats - Standard - Date Formats-medium GyMMMd GyMMMdd
Formats - Standard - Date Formats-short GGGGGyMMdd GGGGGyyMMdd
Gregorian Formats - Standard - Date Formats-full yMMMMEEEEd GyMMMMEEEEdd
Formats - Standard - Date Formats-long yMMMMd yMMMMdd
Formats - Standard - Date Formats-medium yMMMd yMMMdd
Formats - Standard - Date Formats-short yMMdd yyMMdd
Formats - Standard - Time Formats-full HHmmsszzzz ahmmsszzzz
Formats - Standard - Time Formats-long HHmmssz ahmmssz
Formats - Standard - Time Formats-medium HHmmss ahmmss
Formats - Standard - Time Formats-short HHmm ahmm

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