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Serbian (Latin) Delta


Lists data fields that differ from the last major version (see versions above). Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different.

Section Page Header Code Locale Old New Level
Locale Display Names Languages (K-N) L Lombard ► lmo sr_Latn lmo lombard comprehensive
Territories (North America) Northern America-Subdivisions glav ▷missing◁ Severni Grenland modern
glqt Kekertalik
Central America-Subdivisions hnat Atlantida (Honduras)
hncl Kolon (Honduras)
Caribbean-Subdivisions ttari Arima
ttsfo San Fernando (Trinidad i Tobago)
Territories (South America) South America-Subdivisions clta Tarapaka (region)
coboy Departman Bojaka
Territories (Africa) Middle Africa-Subdivisions st01 Agva Grande
st02 Kantagalo
st03 Kaje
st04 Lemba
st05 Lobata
st06 Me-Zoči
Southern Africa-Subdivisions bwfr Fransistaun
szlu Lubombo
szma Manzini (pokrajina)
szsh Šiselveni
zagp Hauteng
zagt Hauteng ▷removed◁
zakzn ▷missing◁ Kvazulu-Natal
zanl Kvazulu-Natal ▷removed◁
Territories (Europe) Northern Europe-Subdivisions gbeng ▷missing◁ Engleska
gbgwn Gvinet
gbsct Škotska
gbwls Vels
gbwsm Grad Vestminster
isakn Akranes
isaku Akirejri
Western Europe-Subdivisions fr20r Korzika
fr75 Pariz ▷removed◁
fr75c ▷missing◁ Pariz
fr971 Gvadelup
frcor Korzika ▷removed◁
Southern Europe-Subdivisions ad07 ▷missing◁ Andora la Velja
al01 Okrug Berat
al02 Okrug Drač
al03 Okrug Elbasan
al04 Okrug Fjer
al05 Okrug Đirokastra
al06 Okrug Korča
al07 Okrug Kukes
al08 Okrug Lješ
al09 Okrug Diber
al11 Okrug Tirana
al12 Okrug Valona
escn Kanarska ostrva
mk02 Opština Aračinovo ▷removed◁
mk03 Opština Berovo
mk04 Opština Bitolj
mk05 Opština Bogdanci
mk06 Opština Bogovinje
mk07 Opština Bosiljovo
mk08 Opština Brvenica
mk10 Opština Valandovo
mk11 Opština Vasiljevo
mk12 Opština Vevčani
mk13 Opština Veles
mk14 Opština Vinica
mk16 Opština Vrapčište
mk18 Opština Đevđelija
mk19 Opština Gostivar
mk20 Opština Gradsko
mk21 Opština Debar
mk22 Opština Debarca
mk23 Opština Delčevo
mk24 Opština Demir Kapija
mk25 Opština Demir Hisar
mk26 Opština Dojran
mk27 Opština Dolneni
mk30 Opština Želino
mk32 Opština Zelenikovo
mk33 Opština Zrnovci
mk34 Opština Ilinden
mk35 Opština Jegunovce
mk36 Opština Kavadarci
mk37 Opština Karbinci
mk40 Opština Kičevo
mk41 Opština Konče
mk42 Opština Kočani
mk43 Opština Kratovo
mk44 Opština Kriva Palanka
mk45 Opština Krivogaštani
mk46 Opština Kruševo
mk47 Opština Kumanovo
mk48 Opština Lipkovo
mk49 Opština Lozovo
mk50 Opština Mavrovo i Rostuša
mk51 Opština Makedonska Kamenica
mk52 Opština Makedonski Brod
mk53 Opština Mogila
mk54 Opština Negotino
mk55 Opština Novaci
mk56 Opština Novo Selo
mk58 Opština Ohrid
mk59 Opština Petrovec
mk60 Opština Pehčevo
mk61 Opština Plasnica
mk62 Opština Prilep
mk63 Opština Probištip
mk64 Opština Radoviš
mk65 Opština Rankovce
mk66 Opština Resan
mk67 Opština Rosoman
mk69 Opština Sveti Nikola
mk70 Opština Sopište
mk71 Opština Staro Nagoričano
mk72 Opština Struga
mk73 Opština Strumica
mk74 Opština Studeničani
mk75 Opština Tearce
mk76 Opština Tetovo
mk78 Opština Centar Župa
mk80 Opština Čaška
mk81 Opština Češinovo-Obleševo
mk82 Opština Čučer-Sandevo
mk83 Opština Štip
mk101 ▷missing◁ Opština Veles
mk102 Opština Gradsko
mk103 Opština Demir Kapija
mk104 Opština Kavadarci
mk105 Opština Lozovo
mk106 Opština Negotino
mk107 Opština Rosoman
mk108 Opština Sveti Nikola
mk109 Opština Čaška
mk201 Opština Berovo
mk202 Opština Vinica
mk203 Opština Delčevo
mk204 Opština Zrnovci
mk205 Opština Karbinci
mk206 Opština Kočani
mk207 Opština Makedonska Kamenica
mk208 Opština Pehčevo
mk209 Opština Probištip
mk210 Opština Češinovo-Obleševo
mk211 Opština Štip
mk301 Opština Vevčani
mk303 Opština Debar
mk304 Opština Debarca
mk307 Opština Kičevo
mk308 Opština Makedonski Brod
mk310 Opština Ohrid
mk311 Opština Plasnica
mk312 Opština Struga
mk313 Opština Centar Župa
mk401 Opština Bogdanci
mk402 Opština Bosiljovo
mk403 Opština Valandovo
mk404 Opština Vasiljevo
mk405 Opština Đevđelija
mk406 Opština Dojran
mk407 Opština Konče
mk408 Opština Novo Selo
mk409 Opština Radoviš
mk410 Opština Strumica
mk501 Opština Bitolj
mk502 Opština Demir Hisar
mk503 Opština Dolneni
mk504 Opština Krivogaštani
mk505 Opština Kruševo
mk506 Opština Mogila
mk507 Opština Novaci
mk508 Opština Prilep
mk509 Opština Resan
mk601 Opština Bogovinje
mk602 Opština Brvenica
mk603 Opština Vrapčište
mk604 Opština Gostivar
mk605 Opština Želino
mk606 Opština Jegunovce
mk607 Opština Mavrovo i Rostuša
mk608 Opština Tearce
mk609 Opština Tetovo
mk701 Opština Kratovo
mk702 Opština Kriva Palanka
mk703 Opština Kumanovo
mk704 Opština Lipkovo
mk705 Opština Rankovce
mk706 Opština Staro Nagoričano
mk801 Opština Aerodrom
mk802 Opština Aračinovo
mk803 Opština Butel
mk804 Opština Gazi Baba
mk805 Opština Đorče Petrov
mk806 Opština Zelenikovo
mk807 Opština Ilinden
mk808 Opština Karpoš
mk809 Opština Kisela Voda
mk810 Opština Petrovec
mk811 Opština Saraj
mk812 Opština Sopište
mk813 Opština Studeničani
mk814 Opština Centar
mk815 Opština Čair
mk816 Opština Čučer-Sandevo
mk817 Opština Šuto Orizari
Territories (Asia) Western Asia-Subdivisions sa01 Rijad (provincija)
Central Asia-Subdivisions kgb Batkenska oblast
kgc Čujska oblast
kgj Džalal-Abadska oblast
kgn Narinska oblast
kgt Talaska oblast
kgy Isik-Kulska oblast
kzshy Šimkent
uzan Andižanska oblast
uzbu Buharska oblast
uzfa Ferganska oblast
uzji Džizakska oblast
uzng Namanganska oblast
uznw Navojska oblast
uzqa Kaškadarinska oblast
uzsa Samarkandska oblast
uzsi Sirdarinska oblast
uzsu Surhandarinska oblast
uzto Taškentska oblast
uzxo Horezmska oblast
Eastern Asia-Subdivisions kp04 Čagang
kp05 Južni Hvanghe
kp06 Severni Hvanghe
kp07 Kangvon
kp08 Južni Hamgjong
kp09 Severni Hamgjong
twnwt Sinbej
Southern Asia-Subdivisions ir00 Pokrajina Markazi²
ir09 Pokrajina Razavi Korasan²
ir10 Pokrajina Isfahan²
ir28 Pokrajina Severni Korasan
ir31 Pokrajina Severni Korasan ▷removed◁
npsa ▷missing◁ zona Sagarmata
Southeast Asia-Subdivisions idka Kalimantan
my01 Džohor
my06 Pahang
my07 Penang
my12 Sabah
my16 Putradžaja
phban Batan
Territories (Oceania) Australasia-Subdivisions nzwgn Velington (regija)
Melanesia-Subdivisions pgnsb Autonomna pokrajina Bogenvil
Timezones North America Cities and Regions Ciudad_Juarez Ciudad Juarez Siudad Huarez moderate
Numbers Symbols Time Symbols using Ahom Digits (ahom) Time Separator ▷missing◁ : comprehensive
Time Symbols using Bhaiksuki Digits (bhks)
Time Symbols using Dives Akuru Digits (diak)
Time Symbols using Kawi Digits (kawi)
Time Symbols using Khudawadi Digits (sind)
Time Symbols using Mathematical Bold Digits (mathbold)
Time Symbols using Mathematical Double-Struck Digits (mathdbl)
Time Symbols using Mathematical Monospace Digits (mathmono)
Time Symbols using Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits (mathsanb)
Time Symbols using Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits (mathsans)
Time Symbols using Modi Digits (modi)
Time Symbols using Mro Digits (mroo)
Time Symbols using Myanmar Tai Laing Digits (mymrtlng)
Time Symbols using Nag Mundari Digits (nagm)
Time Symbols using Newa Digits (newa)
Time Symbols using Pahawh Hmong Digits (hmng)
Time Symbols using Segmented Digits (segment)
Time Symbols using Sinhala Lith Digits (sinh)
Time Symbols using Tangsa Digits (tnsa)
Time Symbols using Tirhuta Digits (tirh)
Time Symbols using Wancho Digits (wcho)
Time Symbols using Warang Citi Digits (wara)
Symbols using Ahom Digits (ahom) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Bhaiksuki Digits (bhks) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Dives Akuru Digits (diak) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Kawi Digits (kawi) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Khudawadi Digits (sind) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Mathematical Bold Digits (mathbold) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Mathematical Double-Struck Digits (mathdbl) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Mathematical Monospace Digits (mathmono) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits (mathsanb) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits (mathsans) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Modi Digits (modi) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Mro Digits (mroo) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Myanmar Tai Laing Digits (mymrtlng) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Nag Mundari Digits (nagm) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Newa Digits (newa) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Pahawh Hmong Digits (hmng) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Segmented Digits (segment) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Sinhala Lith Digits (sinh) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Tangsa Digits (tnsa) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Tirhuta Digits (tirh) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Wancho Digits (wcho) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Symbols using Warang Citi Digits (wara) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
exponential E
superscriptingExponent ×
nan NaN
list ;
Number Formatting Patterns Standard Patterns using Ahom Digits (ahom) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Bhaiksuki Digits (bhks) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Dives Akuru Digits (diak) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Kawi Digits (kawi) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Khudawadi Digits (sind) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Mathematical Bold Digits (mathbold) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Mathematical Double-Struck Digits (mathdbl) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Mathematical Monospace Digits (mathmono) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits (mathsanb) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits (mathsans) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Modi Digits (modi) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Mro Digits (mroo) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Myanmar Tai Laing Digits (mymrtlng) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Nag Mundari Digits (nagm) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Newa Digits (newa) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits (hmnp) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Pahawh Hmong Digits (hmng) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Segmented Digits (segment) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Sinhala Lith Digits (sinh) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Tangsa Digits (tnsa) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Tirhuta Digits (tirh) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Wancho Digits (wcho) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Standard Patterns using Warang Citi Digits (wara) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)
Currency Unit Patterns using Ahom Digits (ahom) currencies-other {0} {1}
Currency Unit Patterns using Bhaiksuki Digits (bhks)
Currency Unit Patterns using Dives Akuru Digits (diak)
Currency Unit Patterns using Kawi Digits (kawi)
Currency Unit Patterns using Khudawadi Digits (sind)
Currency Unit Patterns using Mathematical Bold Digits (mathbold)
Currency Unit Patterns using Mathematical Double-Struck Digits (mathdbl)
Currency Unit Patterns using Mathematical Monospace Digits (mathmono)
Currency Unit Patterns using Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits (mathsanb)
Currency Unit Patterns using Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits (mathsans)
Currency Unit Patterns using Modi Digits (modi)
Currency Unit Patterns using Mro Digits (mroo)
Currency Unit Patterns using Myanmar Tai Laing Digits (mymrtlng)
Currency Unit Patterns using Nag Mundari Digits (nagm)
Currency Unit Patterns using Newa Digits (newa)
Currency Unit Patterns using Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits (hmnp)
Currency Unit Patterns using Pahawh Hmong Digits (hmng)
Currency Unit Patterns using Segmented Digits (segment)
Currency Unit Patterns using Sinhala Lith Digits (sinh)
Currency Unit Patterns using Tangsa Digits (tnsa)
Currency Unit Patterns using Tirhuta Digits (tirh)
Currency Unit Patterns using Wancho Digits (wcho)
Currency Unit Patterns using Warang Citi Digits (wara)
Miscellaneous Patterns using Ahom Digits (ahom) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Bhaiksuki Digits (bhks) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Dives Akuru Digits (diak) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Kawi Digits (kawi) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Khudawadi Digits (sind) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Mathematical Bold Digits (mathbold) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Mathematical Double-Struck Digits (mathdbl) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Mathematical Monospace Digits (mathmono) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits (mathsanb) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits (mathsans) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Modi Digits (modi) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Mro Digits (mroo) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Myanmar Tai Laing Digits (mymrtlng) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Nag Mundari Digits (nagm) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Newa Digits (newa) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits (hmnp) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Pahawh Hmong Digits (hmng) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Segmented Digits (segment) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Sinhala Lith Digits (sinh) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Tangsa Digits (tnsa) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Tirhuta Digits (tirh) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Wancho Digits (wcho) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Miscellaneous Patterns using Warang Citi Digits (wara) approximately ~{0}
atLeast ≥{0}
atMost ≤{0}
range {0}–{1}
Compact Decimal Formatting (Other Numbering Systems) Short Currency using Ahom Digits (ahom) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Bhaiksuki Digits (bhks) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Dives Akuru Digits (diak) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Kawi Digits (kawi) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Khudawadi Digits (sind) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Mathematical Bold Digits (mathbold) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Mathematical Double-Struck Digits (mathdbl) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Mathematical Monospace Digits (mathmono) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits (mathsanb) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits (mathsans) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Modi Digits (modi) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Mro Digits (mroo) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Myanmar Tai Laing Digits (mymrtlng) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Nag Mundari Digits (nagm) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Newa Digits (newa) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits (hmnp) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Pahawh Hmong Digits (hmng) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Segmented Digits (segment) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Sinhala Lith Digits (sinh) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Tangsa Digits (tnsa) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Tirhuta Digits (tirh) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Wancho Digits (wcho) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Short Currency using Warang Citi Digits (wara) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.' ¤
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.' ¤
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.' ¤
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.' ¤
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.' ¤
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.' ¤
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.' ¤
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.' ¤
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.' ¤
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.' ¤
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.' ¤
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.' ¤
Long Formats using Ahom Digits (ahom) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Bhaiksuki Digits (bhks) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Dives Akuru Digits (diak) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Kawi Digits (kawi) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Khudawadi Digits (sind) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Mathematical Bold Digits (mathbold) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Mathematical Double-Struck Digits (mathdbl) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Mathematical Monospace Digits (mathmono) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits (mathsanb) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits (mathsans) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Modi Digits (modi) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Mro Digits (mroo) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Myanmar Tai Laing Digits (mymrtlng) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Nag Mundari Digits (nagm) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Newa Digits (newa) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits (hmnp) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Pahawh Hmong Digits (hmng) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Segmented Digits (segment) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Sinhala Lith Digits (sinh) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Tangsa Digits (tnsa) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Tirhuta Digits (tirh) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Wancho Digits (wcho) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Long Formats using Warang Citi Digits (wara) 4-digits-long-other 0 hiljada
5-digits-long-other 00 hiljada
6-digits-long-other 000 hiljada
7-digits-long-other 0 miliona
8-digits-long-other 00 miliona
9-digits-long-other 000 miliona
10-digits-long-other 0 milijardi
11-digits-long-other 00 milijardi
12-digits-long-other 000 milijardi
13-digits-long-other 0 biliona
14-digits-long-other 00 biliona
15-digits-long-other 000 biliona
Short Formats using Ahom Digits (ahom) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Bhaiksuki Digits (bhks) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Dives Akuru Digits (diak) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Kawi Digits (kawi) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Khudawadi Digits (sind) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Mathematical Bold Digits (mathbold) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Mathematical Double-Struck Digits (mathdbl) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Mathematical Monospace Digits (mathmono) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits (mathsanb) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits (mathsans) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Modi Digits (modi) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Mro Digits (mroo) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Myanmar Tai Laing Digits (mymrtlng) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Nag Mundari Digits (nagm) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Newa Digits (newa) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits (hmnp) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Pahawh Hmong Digits (hmng) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Segmented Digits (segment) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Sinhala Lith Digits (sinh) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Tangsa Digits (tnsa) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Tirhuta Digits (tirh) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Wancho Digits (wcho) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Short Formats using Warang Citi Digits (wara) 4-digits-short-other 0 hilj'.'
5-digits-short-other 00 hilj'.'
6-digits-short-other 000 hilj'.'
7-digits-short-other 0 mil'.'
8-digits-short-other 00 mil'.'
9-digits-short-other 000 mil'.'
10-digits-short-other 0 mlrd'.'
11-digits-short-other 00 mlrd'.'
12-digits-short-other 000 mlrd'.'
13-digits-short-other 0 bil'.'
14-digits-short-other 00 bil'.'
15-digits-short-other 000 bil'.'
Miscellaneous Person Name Formats SampleName Fields for Item: full prefix prof. dr ▷removed◁ modern
given Aleksandra
given-informal Sanja
given2 Eva Sara
surname-prefix van den
surname-core Volf
surname2 Petrović Jugović
suffix dipl. inž.
SampleName Fields for Item: given12Surname given Jovan
given2 Dragan
surname Popović
SampleName Fields for Item: givenOnly given Ivan
SampleName Fields for Item: givenSurnameOnly Irena
surname Marković
SampleName Fields for Item: nativeG given ▷missing◁ Ivan
SampleName Fields for Item: nativeGS Irena
surname Marković
SampleName Fields for Item: nativeGGS given Jovan
given2 Dragan
surname Popović
SampleName Fields for Item: nativeFull credentials dipl. inž.
generation mlađi
title dr
given Slađana
given-informal Slađa
given2 Vera
surname-prefix ∅∅∅
surname-core Milenković
surname2 ∅∅∅
SampleName Fields for Item: foreignG given Sinbad
SampleName Fields for Item: foreignGS Kete
surname Miler
SampleName Fields for Item: foreignGGS given Cecilija
given2 Hemiš
surname Šteber
SampleName Fields for Item: foreignFull credentials dipl. inž.
generation mlađi
title prof. dr
given Aleksandra
given-informal Sanja
given2 Eva Sara
surname-prefix van den
surname-core Volf
surname2 Petrović Jugović
PersonName Patterns for Order-Length: givenFirst-long referring-formal {given} {given2} {surname}, {suffix} {title} {given} {given2} {surname} {surname2} {credentials}
addressing-formal {prefix} {surname} {title} {surname}
PersonName Patterns for Order-Length: givenFirst-medium referring-formal {given} {given2-initial} {surname}, {suffix} {given} {given2-initial} {surname} {generation}, {credentials}
addressing-formal {prefix} {surname} {title} {surname}
PersonName Patterns for Order-Length: givenFirst-short
PersonName Patterns for Order-Length: surnameFirst-long referring-formal {surname} {given} {given2}, {suffix} {surname} {title} {given} {given2} {generation}, {credentials}
addressing-formal {prefix} {surname} {title} {surname}
PersonName Patterns for Order-Length: surnameFirst-medium referring-formal {surname} {given} {given2-initial}, {suffix} {surname} {given} {given2-initial} {generation}, {credentials}
addressing-formal {prefix} {surname} {title} {surname}
PersonName Patterns for Order-Length: surnameFirst-short

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