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Rajasthani Delta


Lists data fields that differ from the last major version (see versions above). Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different.

Section Page Header Code Locale Old New Level
Numbers Symbols Symbols using Ahom Digits (ahom) decimal raj ▷missing◁ . comprehensive
Symbols using Bhaiksuki Digits (bhks)
Symbols using Dives Akuru Digits (diak)
Symbols using Kawi Digits (kawi)
Symbols using Khudawadi Digits (sind)
Symbols using Mathematical Bold Digits (mathbold)
Symbols using Mathematical Double-Struck Digits (mathdbl)
Symbols using Mathematical Monospace Digits (mathmono)
Symbols using Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits (mathsanb)
Symbols using Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits (mathsans)
Symbols using Modi Digits (modi)
Symbols using Mro Digits (mroo)
Symbols using Myanmar Tai Laing Digits (mymrtlng)
Symbols using Nag Mundari Digits (nagm)
Symbols using Newa Digits (newa)
Symbols using Pahawh Hmong Digits (hmng)
Symbols using Segmented Digits (segment)
Symbols using Sinhala Lith Digits (sinh)
Symbols using Tangsa Digits (tnsa)
Symbols using Tirhuta Digits (tirh)
Symbols using Wancho Digits (wcho)
Symbols using Warang Citi Digits (wara)

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