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Aragonese Delta


Lists data fields that differ from the last major version (see versions above). Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different.

Section Page Header Code Locale Old New Level
Core Data Alphabetic Information Characters in Use Main Letters an [] [a-záéíóúü] core
Others: auxiliary [·àâäçèê-ìîïñòôöùû]
Others: index [A-Z] moderate
Others: punctuation …[\{\}]… …["#\&'*/@\u00A1\u00A7\u00AB\u00BB\u00BF\u2010\u2013\u2014\u2018\u2019\u201C\u201D\u2020\u2021\u2026\u2032\u2033]… core
Quotation Marks End » basic
Start «
Yes and No posix-yes yes:y sí:s comprehensive
Locale Display Names Locale Name Patterns Locale Field Fallbacks language {0} Idioma: {0} basic
script Escritura: {0}
territory Rechión: {0}
Languages (A-D) A Arabic ► ar ar arabe moderate
Arabic ► ar_001 ar_001 arabe standard moderno
Aragonese ► an an aragonés basic
B Bangla ► bn bn bengalí moderate
C Chinese ► zh zh chino
Chinese ► zh_Hans zh (Hans) chino simplificau
Chinese ► zh_Hans-long chino mandarín (simplificau)
Chinese ► zh_Hant zh (Hant) chino tradicional
Chinese ► zh_Hant-long chino mandarín (tradicional)
Chinese ► zh-menu zh chino mandarín
D Dutch ► nl nl neerlandés
Dutch ► nl_BE nl (BE) flamenco
Languages (E-J) E English ► en en anglés basic
English ► en_AU en (AU) anglés australiano moderate
English ► en_CA en (CA) anglés canadiense
English ► en_GB en (GB) anglés britanico
English ► en_GB-short anglés (RU)
English ► en_US en (US) anglés americano
English ► en_US-short anglés (EUA)
F French ► fr fr francés
French ► fr_CA fr (CA) francés canadiense
French ► fr_CH fr (CH) francés suizo
G German ► de de alemán
German ► de_AT de (AT) alemán austriaco
German ► de_CH de (CH) alemán standard suizo
H Hindi ► hi hi hindi modern
I Indonesian ► id id indonesio moderate
Italian ► it it italiano
J Japanese ► ja ja chaponés
Languages (K-N) K Korean ► ko ko coreano
Languages (O-S) P Polish ► pl pl polaco
Portuguese ► pt pt portugués
Portuguese ► pt_BR pt (BR) portugués brasilenyo
Portuguese ► pt_PT pt (PT) portugués europeu
R Russian ► ru ru ruso
S Spanish ► es es espanyol
Spanish ► es_419 es_419 espanyol latino-americano
Spanish ► es_ES es (ES) espanyol europeu
Spanish ► es_MX es (MX) espanyol mexicano
Languages (T-Z) T Thai ► th th tai
Turkish ► tr tr turco
U Unknown language ► und und idioma desconoixiu
Scripts Major Use Arab Arab arabe
Cyrl Cyrl cirilico
Hans Hans simplificau
Hans-stand-alone han simplificau
Hant Hant tradicional
Hant-stand-alone han tradicional
Jpan Jpan chaponés
Kore Kore coreano
Latn Latn latín basic
Other Zxxx Zxxx sin escritura moderate
Zzzz Zzzz escritura desconoixida
Geographic Regions world 001 001 Mundo
019 019 America
002 002 Africa
150 150 Europa
142 142 Asia
009 009 Oceanía
EU EU Unión Europea
EZ EZ Eurozona
UN UN Nacions Unidas
Americas 003 003 America d’o Norte
021 021 Norteamerica
013 013 America Central
029 029 Caribe
005 005 Sudamerica
419 419 Latino-america
Africa 015 015 Africa septentrional
011 011 Africa occidental
017 017 Africa central
014 014 Africa oriental
018 018 Africa meridional
202 202 Africa subsahariana
Europe 154 154 Europa septentrional
155 155 Europa occidental
151 151 Europa oriental
039 039 Europa meridional
Asia 145 145 Asia occidental
143 143 Asia central
030 030 Asia oriental
034 034 Asia meridional
035 035 Asia sudoriental
Oceania 053 053 Australasia
054 054 Melanesia
057 057 Rechión d’a Micronesia
061 061 Polinesia
QO QO Territorios aleixaus d’Oceanía
Unknown Region XA XA Pseudoaccentos
XB XB Pseudobidi
ZZ ZZ Rechión desconoixida
Territories (North America) Northern America BM BM Bermuda
CA CA Canadá
GL GL Gronlandia
PM PM Saint-Pierre y Miquelon
US US Estaus Unius
US-short EUA
Central America BZ BZ Belize
CR CR Costa Rica
GT GT Guatemala
HN HN Honduras
MX MX Mexico
NI NI Nicaragua
PA PA Panamá
SV SV El Salvador
Caribbean AG AG Antigua y Barbuda
AI AI Anguilla
AW AW Aruba
BB BB Barbados
BL BL St. Barthélemy
BQ BQ Caribe neerlandés
BS BS Bahamas
CU CU Cuba
CW CW Curaçao
DM DM Dominica
DO DO Republica Dominicana
GD GD Grenada
GP GP Guadeloupe
HT HT Haití
JM JM Chamaica
KN KN Sant Cristofo y Nieus
KY KY Islas Caimán
LC LC Santa Lucía
MF MF Sant Martín
MQ MQ Martinica
MS MS Montserrat
PR PR Puerto Rico
SX SX Sint Maarten
TC TC Islas Turcas y Caicos
TT TT Trinidad y Tobago
VC VC Sant Vicent y las Granadinas
VG VG Islas Virchens Britanicas
VI VI Islas Virchens Norte-americanas
Territories (South America) South America AR AR Archentina
BO BO Bolivia
BR BR Brasil
BV BV Isla Bouvet
CL CL Chile
CO CO Colombia
EC EC Ecuador
FK FK Islas Malvinas
FK-variant Islas Malvinas (Islas Falkland)
GF GF Guayana francesa
GS GS Islas Cheorchia d’o Sud y Sandwich d’o Sud
GY GY Guyana
PE PE Perú
PY PY Paraguay
SR SR Surinam
UY UY Uruguay
VE VE Venezuela
Territories (Africa) Northern Africa DZ DZ Alcheria
EG EG Echipto
EH EH Sahara occidental
LY LY Libia
MA MA Marruecos
SD SD Sudán
TN TN Tunicia
EA EA Ceuta y Melilla
IC IC Islas Canarias
Western Africa BF BF Burkina Faso
BJ BJ Benín
CI CI Côte d’Ivoire
CI-variant Costa de Vori
CV CV Cabo Verde
GH GH Ghana
GM GM Gambia
GN GN Guinea
GW GW Guinea-Bissau
LR LR Liberia
ML ML Mali
MR MR Mauritania
NE NE Nicher
NG NG Nicheria
SH SH Santa Helena
SL SL Sierra Leona
SN SN Senegal
TG TG Togo
Middle Africa AO AO Angola
CD CD Republica Democratica d’o Congo
CD-variant Congo Kinshasa
CF CF Republica Centro-africana
CG CG Republica d’o Congo
CG-variant Congo Brazzaville
CM CM Camerún
GA GA Gabón
GQ GQ Guinea equatorial
ST ST Sant Tomé y Principe
TD TD Chad
Eastern Africa BI BI Burundi
DJ DJ Chibuti
ER ER Eritrea
ET ET Ethiopia
IO IO Territorio Britanico de l’Oceano Indico
KE KE Kenya
KM KM Comoros
MG MG Madagascar
MU MU Mauricio
MW MW Malawi
MZ MZ Mozambique
RE RE Isla d’a Reunión
RW RW Ruanda
SC SC Seychelles
SO SO Somalia
SS SS Sudán d’o Sud
TF TF Territorios australs franceses
TZ TZ Tanzania
UG UG Uganda
YT YT Mayotte
ZM ZM Zambia
ZW ZW Zimbabue
Southern Africa BW BW Botswana
LS LS Lesotho
NA NA Namibia
SZ SZ Eswatini
SZ-variant Swazilandia
ZA ZA Republica de Sudafrica
Territories (Europe) Northern Europe GG GG Guernsey
IM IM Isla de Man
JE JE Jersey
AX AX Islas Åland
DK DK Dinamarca
EE EE Estonia
FI FI Finlandia
FO FO Islas Feroe
GB GB Reino Uniu
GB-short RU
IE IE Irlanda
IS IS Islandia
LT LT Lituania
LV LV Letonia
NO NO Noruega
SE SE Suecia
SJ SJ Svalbard y Jan Mayen
Western Europe AT AT Austria
BE BE Belchica
CH CH Suiza
DE DE Alemanya
FR FR Francia
LI LI Liechtenstein
LU LU Luxemburgo
MC MC Monaco
NL NL Países Baixos
Eastern Europe BG BG Bulgaria
BY BY Belarrusia
CZ CZ Chequia
CZ-variant Republica checa
HU HU Hongría
MD MD Moldavia
PL PL Polonia
RO RO Rumanía
RU RU Rusia
SK SK Eslovaquia
UA UA Ucrainia
Southern Europe AD AD Andorra
AL AL Albania
BA BA Bosnia y Herzegovina
ES ES Espanya basic
GI GI Chibraltar moderate
GR GR Grecia
HR HR Croacia
IT IT Italia
ME ME Montenegro
MK MK Macedonia d’o norte
MT MT Malta
RS RS Serbia
PT PT Portugal
SI SI Eslovenia
SM SM San Marino
VA VA Ciudat d’o Vaticano
XK XK Kosovo
Territories (Asia) Western Asia AE AE Emiratos Arabes Unius
AM AM Armenia
AZ AZ Azerbaichán
BH BH Bahrain
CY CY Chipre
GE GE Cheorchia
IL IL Israel
IQ IQ Iraq
JO JO Chordania
KW KW Kuwait
LB LB Libano
OM OM Omán
PS PS Territorios Palestinos
PS-short Palestina
QA QA Qatar
SA SA Arabia Saudí
SY SY Siria
TR TR Turquía
YE YE Yemen
Central Asia TM TM Turkmenistán
TJ TJ Tayikistán
KG KG Kirguistán
KZ KZ Cazaquistán
UZ UZ Uzbequistán
Eastern Asia CN CN ¨China
HK HK Hong Kong, RAS China
HK-short Hong Kong
JP JP Chapón
KP KP Corea d’o Norte
KR KR Corea d’o Sud
MN MN Mongolia
MO MO Macau, RAS China
MO-short Macau
TW TW Taiwán
Southern Asia AF AF Afganistán
BD BD Bangladesh
BT BT Bhután
IN IN India
IR IR Irán
LK LK Sri Lanka
MV MV Maldivas
NP NP Nepal
PK PK Paquistán
Southeast Asia BN BN Brunei
ID ID Indonesia
KH KH Cambocha
LA LA Laos
MM MM Myanmar (Burma)
MY MY Malasia
PH PH Filipinas
SG SG Singapur
TH TH Tailandia
TL TL Timor-Leste
TL-variant Timor Oriental
VN VN Vietnam
Territories (Oceania) Australasia AU AU Australia
CC CC Islas Cocos
CX CX Isla Chirstmas
HM HM Islas Heard y McDonald
NF NF Isla Norfolk
NZ NZ Nueva Zelanda
Melanesia FJ FJ Fichi
NC NC Nueva Caledonia
PG PG Papúa Nueva Guinea
SB SB Islas Salomón
VU VU Vanuatu
Micronesian Region FM FM Micronesia
GU GU Guam
KI KI Kiribati
MH MH Islas Marshall
MP MP Islas Marianas d’o Norte
NR NR Nauru
PW PW Palau
UM UM Islas perifericas d’os EUA
Polynesia AS AS Samoa Americana
CK CK Islas Cook
NU NU Niue
PF PF Polinesa Francesa
PN PN Islas Pitcairn
TK TK Tokelau
TO TO Tonga
TV TV Tuvalu
WF WF Wallis y Fortuna
WS WS Samoa
Outlying Oceania AQ AQ Antartida
AC AC Isla Ascensión
CP CP Isla Clipperton
DG DG Diego García
TA TA Tristán da Cunha
Keys calendar calendar-gregorian gregorian calendario gregoriano
calendar-iso8601 iso8601 calendario ISO-8601
collation collation-standard standard ordenación standard
numbers numbers-latn latn dichitos occidentals
Date & Time Fields Date Fields era Era era
year Year anyo
year-short a.
quarter Quarter trimestre
quarter-short trim.
month Month mes
month-short m.
week Week semana
week-short s.
day Day día
weekday Day of the Week día d’a semana
dayperiod Dayperiod a.m./p.m.
zone Zone zona horaria
hour Hour hora
hour-short h.
minute Minute minuto
minute-short min.
second Second segundo
second-short s.
Relative Year -1 last year l’anyo pasau
0 this year estianyo
1 next year l’anyo que viene
Relative Year Short -1 last year l’anyo pasau
0 this year estianyo
1 next year l’anyo que viene
Relative Year Narrow -1 last year l’anyo pasau
0 this year estianyo
1 next year l’anyo que viene
Relative Month -1 last month lo mes pasau
0 this month este mes
1 next month lo mes que viene
Relative Month Short -1 last month lo mes pasau
0 this month este mes
1 next month lo mes que viene
Relative Month Narrow -1 last month lo mes pasau
0 this month este mes
1 next month lo mes que viene
Relative Week -1 last week la semana pasada
0 this week esta semana
1 next week la semana que viene
Period the week of {0} la semana de {0}
Relative Week Short -1 last week la semana pasada
0 this week esta semana
1 next week la semana que viene
Period the week of {0} la semana de {0}
Relative Week Narrow -1 last week la semana pasada
0 this week esta semana
1 next week la semana que viene
Period the week of {0} la semana de ´{0}
Relative Day -1 yesterday ahiere
0 today hue
1 tomorrow manyana
Relative Day Short -1 yesterday ahiere
0 today hue
1 tomorrow manyana
Relative Day Narrow -1 yesterday ahiere
0 today hue
1 tomorrow manyana
Gregorian Eras - wide 0 BCE a.C.
0-variant AEC
1 CE d.C.
1-variant EC
Eras - abbreviated 0 BCE a.C.
0-variant AEC
1 CE d.C.
1-variant EC
Quarters - wide - Formatting 1 Q1 1r trimestre
2 Q2 2o trimestre
3 Q3 3r trimestre
4 Q4 4o trimestre
Quarters - wide - Standalone 1 Q1 1r trimestre
2 Q2 2o trimestre
3 Q3 3r trimestre
4 Q4 4o trimestre
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting 1 Q1 1T
2 Q2 2T
3 Q3 3T
4 Q4 4T
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone 1 Q1 1T
2 Q2 2T
3 Q3 3T
4 Q4 4T
Months - wide - Formatting Jan M01 de chinero basic
Feb M02 de febrero
Mar M03 de marzo
Apr M04 d’abril
May M05 de mayo
Jun M06 de chunyo
Jul M07 de chuliol
Aug M08 d’agosto
Sep M09 de setiembre
Oct M10 d’octubre
Nov M11 de noviembre
Dec M12 d’aviento
Months - wide - Standalone Jan M01 chinero moderate
Feb M02 febrero
Mar M03 marzo
Apr M04 abril
May M05 mayo
Jun M06 chunyo
Jul M07 chuliol
Aug M08 agosto
Sep M09 setiembre
Oct M10 octubre
Nov M11 noviembre
Dec M12 aviento
Months - abbreviated - Formatting Jan M01 chi.
Feb M02 feb.
Mar M03 mar.
Apr M04 abr.
May M05 may.
Jun M06 chn.
Jul M07 chl.
Aug M08 ago.
Sep M09 set.
Oct M10 oct.
Nov M11 nov.
Dec M12 avi.
Months - abbreviated - Standalone Jan M01 chi.
Feb M02 feb.
Mar M03 mar.
Apr M04 abr.
May M05 may.
Jun M06 chn.
Jul M07 chl.
Aug M08 ago.
Sep M09 set.
Oct M10 oct.
Nov M11 nov.
Dec M12 avi.
Days - wide - Formatting sun Sun dominche basic
mon Mon luns
tue Tue martz
wed Wed miercres
thu Thu chueves
fri Fri viernes
sat Sat sabado
Days - wide - Standalone sun Sun dominche moderate
mon Mon luns
tue Tue martz
wed Wed miercres
thu Thu chueves
fri Fri viernes
sat Sat sabado
Days - abbreviated - Formatting sun Sun dom
mon Mon lun
tue Tue mar
wed Wed mie
thu Thu chu
fri Fri vie
sat Sat sab
Days - abbreviated - Standalone sun Sun dom
mon Mon lun
tue Tue mar
wed Wed mie
thu Thu chu
fri Fri vie
sat Sat sab
Days - short - Formatting sun Sun dom
mon Mon lun
tue Tue mar
wed Wed mie
thu Thu chu
fri Fri vie
sat Sat sab
Days - short - Standalone sun Sun dom
mon Mon lun
tue Tue mar
wed Wed mie
thu Thu chu
fri Fri vie
sat Sat sab
Days - narrow - Formatting sun S D
mon M L
tue T Ma
wed W Mi
thu T Ch
fri F V
Days - narrow - Standalone sun S D
mon M L
tue T Ma
wed W Mi
thu T Ch
fri F V
Day Periods - wide - Formatting am AM a.m. basic
pm PM p.m.
Day Periods - wide - Standalone am AM a.m. moderate
pm PM p.m.
Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting am AM a.m.
pm PM p.m.
Day Periods - abbreviated - Standalone am AM a.m.
pm PM p.m.
Day Periods - narrow - Formatting am AM a.m.
pm PM p.m.
Day Periods - narrow - Standalone am AM a.m.
pm PM p.m.
Formats - Standard - Date Formats full y MMMM d, EEEE EEEE, d MMMM 'de' y
long y MMMM d d MMMM 'de' y
medium y MMM d d MMM y
short y-MM-dd d/M/yy
Formats - Standard - Time Formats full HH:mm:ss zzzz H:mm:ss zzzz
long HH:mm:ss z H:mm:ss z
medium HH:mm:ss H:mm:ss
short HH:mm H:mm
Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats full {1} {0} {1} 'a' 'las' {0}
medium {1}, {0}
Formats - Flexible - Date Formats MMMMW-one 'week' W 'of' MMMM 'semana' W 'de' MMMM
yw-one 'week' w 'of' Y 'semana' w 'de' Y
Ed d, E E d
Gy G y y G
GyMMMd G y MMM d d MMM y G
GyMMMEd G y MMM d, E E, d MMM y G
Md MM-dd d/M
MEd MM-dd, E E, d/M
yM y-MM M/y
yMd y-MM-dd d/M/y basic
yMEd y-MM-dd, E E, d/M/y moderate
yMMMd y MMM d d MMM y basic
yMMMEd y MMM d, E E, d MMM y moderate
yQQQ y QQQ QQQ 'de' y
Formats - Intervals - Date Formats Gy/G G y – G y y G – y G
Gy/y G y–y y–y G
GyM/M GGGGG y-MM – y-MM M/y – M/y GGGGG
GyMd/d GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG
GyMd/G GGGGG y-MM-dd – GGGGG y-MM-dd d/M/y GGGGG – d/M/y GGGGG
GyMd/M GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG
GyMd/y M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG
GyMEd/d GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG
GyMEd/G GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – GGGGG y-MM-dd, E E, dd/MM/y GGGGG – E, dd/MM/y GGGGG
GyMEd/M GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E
GyMMM/G G y MMM – G y MMM LLL y G – LLL y G
GyMMM/y G y MMM – y MMM LLL y – LLL y G
GyMMMd/d G y MMM d–d d–d LLL y G
GyMMMd/G G y MMM d – G y MMM d d MMM y G – d MMM y G
GyMMMd/M G y MMM d – MMM d d MMM – d MMM y G
GyMMMd/y G y MMM d – y MMM d d MMM y – d MMM y G
GyMMMEd/d G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G
GyMMMEd/G G y MMM d, E – G y MMM d, E E, d MMM y G – E, d MMM y G
GyMMMEd/M G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G
GyMMMEd/y G y MMM d, E – y MMM d, E E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y G
Md/d MM-dd – MM-dd d/M – d/M
MEd/d MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E E, d/M – E, d/M
MMMd/d MMM d–d d–d MMM
MMMd/M MMM d – MMM d d MMM – d MMM
MMMEd/d MMM d, E – MMM d, E E, d MMM – E, d MMM
yM/M y-MM – y-MM M/y – M/y
yMd/d y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd d/M/y – d/M/y
yMEd/d y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y
yMEd/M E, d/M/y
yMEd/y E, d/M/Y – E, d/M/Y
yMMM/y y MMM – y MMM LLL y – LLL y
yMMMd/d y MMM d–d d–d MMM y
yMMMd/M y MMM d – MMM d d MMM – d MMM y
yMMMd/y y MMM d – y MMM d d MMM y – d MMM y
yMMMEd/d y MMM d, E – MMM d, E E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y
yMMMEd/M E, d MMM – E, d MMM y
yMMMEd/y y MMM d, E – y MMM d, E E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y
Formats - Intervals - 12 Hour Time Formats h/a h a – h a h a – h a
h/h h–h a h – h a
hm/a h:mm a – h:mm a h:mm a – h:mm a
hm/h h:mm–h:mm a h:mm – h:mm a
hmv/a h:mm a – h:mm a v h:mm a – h:mm a v
hmv/h h:mm–h:mm a v h:mm – h:mm a v
hv/a h a – h a v h a – h a v
hv/h h–h a v h – h a v
Formats - Intervals - 24 Hour Time Formats H/H HH–HH HH – HH
Hm/H HH:mm–HH:mm HH:mm – HH:mm
Hmv/H HH:mm–HH:mm v HH:mm – HH:mm v
Hv/H HH–HH v HH – HH v
Generic Formats - Standard - Date Formats full G y MMMM d, EEEE EEEE, d MMMM 'de' y G
long G y MMMM d d MMMM 'de' y G
medium G y MMM d d MMM 'de' y G
short GGGGG y-MM-dd dd-MM-y GGGGG
Formats - Standard - Date & Time Combination Formats full {1} {0} {1} 'a' 'las' {0}
medium {1}, {0}
Formats - Flexible - Date Formats Ed d, E E, d
Gy G y y G
GyMMMd G y MMM d d MMM y G
GyMMMEd G y MMM d, E E, d MMM y G
Md MM-dd d/M
MEd MM-dd, E E, d/M
MMMMd MMMM d d 'de' MMMM
y G y y G
yyyyMd GGGGG y-MM-dd d/M/y GGGGG
yyyyMEd GGGGG y-MM-dd, E E, d/M/y GGGGG
yyyyMMM G y MMM MMM y G
yyyyMMMd G y MMM d d MMM y G
yyyyMMMEd G y MMM d, E E, d MMM y G
yyyyQQQ G y QQQ QQQ y G
Formats - Intervals - Date Formats Gy/G G y – G y y G – y G
Gy/y G y–y y – y G
GyM/M GGGGG y-MM – y-MM M/y – M/y GGGGG
GyMd/d GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG
GyMd/G GGGGG y-MM-dd – GGGGG y-MM-dd d/M/y GGGGG – d/M/y GGGGG
GyMd/M GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG
GyMEd/d GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG
GyMEd/G GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – GGGGG y-MM-dd, E E, d/M/y GGGGG – E, d/M/y GGGGG
GyMEd/M GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG
GyMMM/G G y MMM – G y MMM LLL y G – LLL y G
GyMMM/y G y MMM – y MMM LLL y – LLL y G
GyMMMd/d G y MMM d–d d–d MMM y G
GyMMMd/G G y MMM d – G y MMM d d MMM y G – d MMM y G
GyMMMd/M G y MMM d – MMM d d MMM – d MMM y G
GyMMMd/y G y MMM d – y MMM d d MMM y – d MMM y G
GyMMMEd/d G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G
GyMMMEd/G G y MMM d, E – G y MMM d, E E, d MMM y G – E, d MMM y G
GyMMMEd/M G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G
GyMMMEd/y G y MMM d, E – y MMM d, E E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y G
Md/d MM-dd – MM-dd d/M – d/M
MEd/d MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E E, d/M – E, d/M
MMMd/d MMM d–d d–d MMM
MMMd/M MMM d – MMM d d MMM – d MMM
MMMEd/d MMM d, E – MMM d, E E, d MMM – E, d MMM
y/y G y–y y–y G
yM/M GGGGG y-MM – y-MM M/y – M/y GGGGG
yMd/d GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG
yMEd/d GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG
yMMM/y G y MMM – y MMM LLL y – LLL y G
yMMMd/d G y MMM d–d d–d MMM y G
yMMMd/M G y MMM d – MMM d d MMM – d MMM y G
yMMMd/y G y MMM d – y MMM d d MMM y – d MMM y G
yMMMEd/d G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G
yMMMEd/M E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y G
yMMMEd/y G y MMM d, E – y MMM d, E
Timezones Timezone Display Patterns null Region Format - Generic {0} Hora de {0} basic
Region Format - Standard {0} (+0) Hora standard de {0}
Region Format - Daylight {0} (+1) Hora de verano de {0}
North America America_Central generic-long ▷missing◁ hora central d’America d’o Norte moderate
standard-long hora standard central d’America d’o Norte
daylight-long hora de verano central d’America d’o Norte
America_Eastern generic-long hora oriental d’America d’o Norte
standard-long hora standard oriental d’America d’o Norte
daylight-long hora de verano oriental d’America d’o Norte
America_Mountain generic-long hora de montanya d’America d’o Norte
standard-long hora standard de montanya d’America d’o Norte
daylight-long hora de verano de montanya d’America d’o Norte
America_Pacific generic-long hora d’o Pacifico d’America d’o Norte
standard-long hora standard d’o Pacifico d’America d’o Norte
daylight-long hora de verano d’o Pacifico d’America d’o Norte
Atlantic generic-long hora de l’Atlantico
standard-long hora standard de l’Atlantico
daylight-long hora de verano de l’Atlantico
Europe Europe_Central generic-long hora d’o centro d’Europa
standard-long hora standard d’o centro d’Europa
daylight-long hora de verano d’o centro d’Europa
Europe_Eastern generic-long hora de l’este d’Europa
standard-long hora standard de l’este d’Europa
daylight-long hora de verano de l’este d’Europa
Europe_Western generic-long hora de l’ueste d’Europa
standard-long hora standard de l’ueste d’Europa
daylight-long hora de verano de l’ueste d’Europa
GMT standard-long hora d’o meridiano de Greenwich basic
Eastern Asia Cities and Regions Macau Macao Macau moderate
Unknown Region Unknown Unknown Ciudat desconoixida
Overrides Etc/UTC standard-long ▷missing◁ tiempo universal coordenado
Numbers Symbols Symbols decimal . , basic
group , .
Symbols using Ahom Digits (ahom) decimal ▷missing◁ , comprehensive
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Bhaiksuki Digits (bhks) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Dives Akuru Digits (diak) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Kawi Digits (kawi) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Khudawadi Digits (sind) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Mathematical Bold Digits (mathbold) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Mathematical Double-Struck Digits (mathdbl) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Mathematical Monospace Digits (mathmono) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits (mathsanb) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits (mathsans) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Modi Digits (modi) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Mro Digits (mroo) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Myanmar Tai Laing Digits (mymrtlng) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Nag Mundari Digits (nagm) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Newa Digits (newa) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Pahawh Hmong Digits (hmng) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Segmented Digits (segment) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Sinhala Lith Digits (sinh) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Tangsa Digits (tnsa) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Tirhuta Digits (tirh) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Wancho Digits (wcho) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Symbols using Warang Citi Digits (wara) decimal ,
group .
plusSign +
minusSign -
percentSign %
Number Formatting Patterns Standard Patterns standard-currency ¤ #,##0.00 #,##0.00 ¤ basic
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00) moderate
Standard Patterns using Ahom Digits (ahom) standard-decimal ▷missing◁ #,##0.### comprehensive
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Bhaiksuki Digits (bhks) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Dives Akuru Digits (diak) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Kawi Digits (kawi) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Khudawadi Digits (sind) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Mathematical Bold Digits (mathbold) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Mathematical Double-Struck Digits (mathdbl) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Mathematical Monospace Digits (mathmono) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits (mathsanb) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits (mathsans) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Modi Digits (modi) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Mro Digits (mroo) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Myanmar Tai Laing Digits (mymrtlng) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Nag Mundari Digits (nagm) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Newa Digits (newa) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits (hmnp) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Pahawh Hmong Digits (hmng) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Segmented Digits (segment) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Sinhala Lith Digits (sinh) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Tangsa Digits (tnsa) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Tirhuta Digits (tirh) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Wancho Digits (wcho) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Warang Citi Digits (wara) standard-decimal #,##0.###
standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
standard-percent #,##0%
standard-scientific #E0
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Currency Unit Patterns using Ahom Digits (ahom) currencies-other {0} {1}
Currency Unit Patterns using Bhaiksuki Digits (bhks)
Currency Unit Patterns using Dives Akuru Digits (diak)
Currency Unit Patterns using Kawi Digits (kawi)
Currency Unit Patterns using Khudawadi Digits (sind)
Currency Unit Patterns using Mathematical Bold Digits (mathbold)
Currency Unit Patterns using Mathematical Double-Struck Digits (mathdbl)
Currency Unit Patterns using Mathematical Monospace Digits (mathmono)
Currency Unit Patterns using Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits (mathsanb)
Currency Unit Patterns using Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits (mathsans)
Currency Unit Patterns using Modi Digits (modi)
Currency Unit Patterns using Mro Digits (mroo)
Currency Unit Patterns using Myanmar Tai Laing Digits (mymrtlng)
Currency Unit Patterns using Nag Mundari Digits (nagm)
Currency Unit Patterns using Newa Digits (newa)
Currency Unit Patterns using Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits (hmnp)
Currency Unit Patterns using Pahawh Hmong Digits (hmng)
Currency Unit Patterns using Segmented Digits (segment)
Currency Unit Patterns using Sinhala Lith Digits (sinh)
Currency Unit Patterns using Tangsa Digits (tnsa)
Currency Unit Patterns using Tirhuta Digits (tirh)
Currency Unit Patterns using Wancho Digits (wcho)
Currency Unit Patterns using Warang Citi Digits (wara)
Currencies North America (C) Northern America: United States USD-name-one USD dolar d’os Estaus Unius moderate
USD-name-other dolars d’os Estaus Unius
USD-name dolar d’os Estaus Unius
South America (C) South America: Brazil BRL-name-one BRL real brasilenyo
BRL-name-other reals brasilenyos
BRL-name real brasilenyo
Northern/Western Europe Northern Europe: United Kingdom GBP-name-one GBP libra britanica
GBP-name-other libras britanicas
GBP-name libra britanica
Southern/Eastern Europe Eastern Europe: Russia RUB-name-one RUB rublo ruso
RUB-name-other rublos rusos
RUB-name rublo ruso
Eastern Asia (C) Eastern Asia: China CNY-name-one CNY yuan chino
CNY-name-other yuans chinos
CNY-name yuan chino
Eastern Asia: Japan JPY-name-one JPY yen chaponés
JPY-name-other yens chaponeses
JPY-name yen chaponés
JPY-symbol JP¥ ¥
Southern Asia (C) Southern Asia: India INR-name-one INR rupia india
INR-name-other rupias indias
INR-name rupia india
Southeast Asia (C) Southeast Asia: Malaysia MYR-name-one MYR ringgit de Malasia
Southeast Asia: Philippines PHP-name-one PHP piso filipino
PHP-name-other pisos filipinos
PHP-name piso filipino
Southeast Asia: Singapore SGD-name-one SGD dolar de Singapur
SGD-name-other dolars de Singapur
SGD-name dólar de Singapur
Southeast Asia: Thailand THB-name-one THB baht tailandés
Unknown Region (C) Unknown Region: EUR EUR-name-one EUR euro
EUR-name-other euros
EUR-name euro
EUR-symbol-narrow r
Unknown Region: XXX XXX-name-one XXX (moneda desconoixida)
XXX-name moneda desconoixida
Units Measurement Systems null metric Metric metrico basic
Length centimeter long-displayName cm centimetros modern
long-per {0}/cm {0} per centimetro
long-one-nominative {0} cm {0} centimetro
long-other-nominative {0} centimetros
Mass and Weight tonne long-displayName t tonas metricas
short-displayName tm
long-one-nominative {0} t {0} tona metrica
long-other-nominative {0} tonas metricas
short-one-nominative {0} tm
kilogram long-displayName kg kilogramos
long-per {0}/kg {0} per kilogramo
long-one-nominative {0} kg {0} kilogramo
long-other-nominative {0} kilogramos
gram long-displayName gram gramos
short-displayName g
long-per {0}/g {0} per gramo
long-one-nominative {0} g {0} gramo
long-other-nominative {0} gramos
ton long-displayName tn tonas
long-one-nominative {0} tn {0} tona
long-other-nominative {0} tonas
carat long-displayName CD quiratz
long-one-nominative {0} CD {0} quirat
long-other-nominative {0} quiratz
earth-mass long-displayName M⊕ masas d’a Tierra
long-one-nominative {0} M⊕ {0} masa d’a Tierra
long-other-nominative {0} masas d’a Tierra
solar-mass long-displayName M☉ masas solars
long-one-nominative {0} M☉ {0} masa solar
long-other-nominative {0} masas solars
Energy and Power joule long-displayName joule joules
short-displayName J
long-one-nominative {0} J {0} joule
long-other-nominative {0} joules
watt long-displayName watt watts
short-displayName W
long-one-nominative {0} W {0} watt
long-other-nominative {0} watts
horsepower long-displayName hp caballos de vapor
long-one-nominative {0} hp {0} caballo de vapor
long-other-nominative {0} caballos de vapor
Weather celsius long-displayName °C graus Celsius
long-one-nominative {0}°C {0} grau Celsius
long-other-nominative {0} graus Celsius
fahrenheit long-displayName °F graus Farenheit
long-one-nominative {0}°F {0} grau Farenheit
long-other-nominative {0} graus Farenheit
Coordinates east long {0}E {0} este moderate
north {0}N {0} norte
south {0}S {0} sud
west {0}W {0} ueste
narrow {0}U
all long-displayName direction punto cardinal
short-displayName punto
Other Units revolution long-displayName rev revolución modern
long-one-nominative {0} rev {0} revolución
long-other-nominative {0} revolucions
radian long-displayName rad radians
long-one-nominative {0} rad {0} radián
long-other-nominative {0} radians
degree long-displayName deg graus
short-displayName º
long-one-nominative {0}° {0} grau
long-other-nominative {0} graus
arc-minute long-displayName arcmin minutos d’arco
long-one-nominative {0}′ {0} minutos d’arco
short-one-nominative {0} arcmin
arc-second long-displayName arcsec segundos d’arco
long-one-nominative {0}″ {0} segundo d’arco
long-other-nominative {0} segundos d’arco
short-one-nominative {0} arcsec
karat long-displayName kt quiratz
long-one-nominative {0} kt {0} quirat
long-other-nominative {0} quiratz
percent long-displayName % per cient
long-one-nominative {0}% {0} per cient
permille long-displayName per mil
long-one-nominative {0}‰ {0} per mil
permyriad long-displayName per miriada
long-one-nominative {0}‱ {0} per miriada
Compound Units per long {0}/{1} {0} per {1} moderate
Miscellaneous Displaying Lists “And” List 2 {0}, {1} {0} y {1}
Short “and” List 2
Narrow “and” List 2
“Or” List 2 {0} or {1} {0} u {1}
end {0}, or {1}
Short “Or” List 2 {0} or {1}
end {0}, or {1}
Narrow “Or” List 2 {0} or {1}
end {0}, or {1}
Unit List 2 {0}, {1} {0} y {1}
Short Unit List 2
Narrow Unit List 2 {0} {1}
Minimal Pairs Ordinal other {0}? Pilla lo {0}o a la dreita
Plural one {0} día
other {0} días
Special Suppress Gregorian Formats - Standard - Date Formats-short yMMdd yyMd comprehensive
Formats - Standard - Time Formats-full HHmmsszzzz Hmmsszzzz
Formats - Standard - Time Formats-long HHmmssz Hmmssz
Formats - Standard - Time Formats-medium HHmmss Hmmss
Formats - Standard - Time Formats-short HHmm Hmm

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